Susan Derry

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Dublin! I love this city and it’s grand altogether, as they say.  Here are some of my favorite things  with these favorite people from our first week of this incredible two-month-long vacation:

Trinity Library

A selfie with Will in the most beautiful library I’ve ever seen; he may not have been Irish but he was pretty good at his craft. :) For this crazy bunch of Shakespeare fiends and book lovers, this moment in Trinity Library’s Long Room was epic. The room is as stunning and inspiring as they say, and we all geeked out over The Book of Kells exhibit.

The Guinness Factory

A stroll to the Guinness factory and lots of ensuing fun. It’s a bit touristy, but the view from the top and the reward of the black stuff are worth it. And I find of actually kind of like the black stuff.

St. Patrick’s Cathedral

Maria the Tour Guide at St. Patrick’s Cathedral is a gem: if you go, ask for her. She is charming and warm and so funny and she enlightened us on Jonathan Swift, Handel and the history of a beleaguered land through the lens of a storied church. She loves what she doe and where she does it. As she said, her Catholic father may be rolling in his grave that she gives folks tours of the Anglican cathedral, but isn’t that generosity of spirit and respect of the other exactly the point? Don’t solve this problem like Maria.

Poetry Jukebox!

This city of words had me at “we have poetry jukeboxes.” These funny blue periscopes dot the city: crank the handle and a famous actor or literary voice will read poems by the Irish who penned them and each one is different. We found three and could have spent the day listening to the lilt of the language and enjoying our discoveries, both historic and contemporary.


Our personal family of leprechauns was our secret power wherever we went. If you go to Ireland, my advice is to ask them to join, because their red hair and the possible familial tie to Daniel O’Connell, The Great Liberator, are the only conversation starters you need. Also, you too might get to tend bar at O’Connell’s Pub. (great place - tell them Dan sent you.)

The Light

The light, everywhere, is incredibly moving, even when the day is overcast. Wander about and watch it change (we love to wander and we do a lot of it). Stumble into the gardens of the fabulous Chester Beatty Museum (do not miss this museum); explore the different vantage points of the major buildings and prepare to be enchanted; see the Cathedral from the par In fact, Dublin doesn’t have the lock on light - the whole country breathes green and the colors, while they vary, are equally beautiful rain or shine.

My Best Friend

Being with my girl for the best silly and beautiful beginning of our trip. We’ve been connected for so long, it’s only natural we would have the most marvelous time in our “homeland.” With all the love and thank to my person, my SilverFox , for making it happen.

The only thing I didn’t like?  Missing my family who couldn’t make the trip, especially my sweet son and my dear dad.  It’s hard to imagine it could have been better, but you would have made it so.